Camino Francés

English German

Last updated on 08/26/2021

The Camino Francés (French Way) is the most popular of the many routes of the Camino de Santiago (The way of Saint James). An ancient pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela. It starts on the French side of the Pyrenees and continues through the Spanish provinces Navarre, La Rioja, Castilla Y León, and Galicia. Eventually, it ends in Santiago de Compostela, with the option of continuing on to Cape Finisterre.
Cape Finisterre derives from the Latin finis terrae, meaning “end of the earth”. As in Roman times, it was believed to be the most western point of the Iberian peninsula and the end of the world. Although the most western point is the Portugues Cabo da Roca…

The Camino Francés starts in the small French village Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port. From here the journey begins, over the Pyrenees and then for around 800km through beautiful towns, villages, and the middle of nowhere.

Because of the current Corona situation, it is highly recommended to book ahead places to stay for the night. For this the Xunta de Galicia has put together a special website.

Finisterre – the end and a new beginning
Finisterre – the end and a new beginning

The last day of this incredible journey… wow, what a strange feeling. I had breakfast with Gabriel and his girl friend. All of us were in this strange mood, happy because of what we have gone through, sad because the end is near. We took a taxi for a few…
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Categories Camino Francés
Negreira to Olveiroa
Negreira to Olveiroa

What a nice morning, but the 33km for the day and the way the right foot was acting up again yesterday, do scare me a bit. I walked for 5km and had breakfast. The Standard Huevos y Bacon y zumo de Naranja and a Coffee. After this good breakfast, it…
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Categories Camino Francés
Off to Finesterre
Off to Finesterre

So I am off again. 90k to the end of the world. Had a great last night with Martin, whom I will probably meet again in france. But did not get to say goodbye to most of the lovely people I met, but that is also part of the Camino.…
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Categories Camino Francés
Pilgrims Mass
Pilgrims Mass

Ok, the end of a pilgrimage in Santiago is usually marked by going to the pilgrims mass. With Covid restrictions even that became a little quest. I did not know I would have been able to. Get a ticket for mass at the oficina Peregrino where I got my compostela…
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Categories Camino Francés
Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela

I started at 7am. It was a long and painful walk. I met Pauline, and Kelly on the last 10km. But walked alone till I entered the city. What a feeling! Kelly caught up on the last 2k to the cathedral, and we went singing Ultreia up to the cathedral.…
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Categories Camino Francés
O Pedrouzo – almost there
O Pedrouzo – almost there

Yesterday night There was a new pounding pain originating from a blue and red blister. I was really considering going home, fearing an infection. But when I woke up, I started taping feet and knee, put the Ibuprofen Creme on, took the Tabletts and was on the road again. I…
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After dinner in Palas de rei I wanted to go to bed right away, but hunter texted me that he had this story to share and we had to meet up. So we did! So his friend Nathan came all the way from California to surprise him. He tracked him…
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Categories Camino Francés
Palas de Rei – Singing away the pain.
Palas de Rei – Singing away the pain.

So today was horrible. The pain was incredible in both feet. When I finally got to the next village 8k out, I met up with my Mexican chicas, Prisciala and Brenda. And some of the others of that crew, I had the spontaneous prayer in 5 languages with. I started…
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Categories Camino Francés
Less then 100k to go! Portomarín
Less then 100k to go! Portomarín

Today felt special from the start. Even though the pain in my right foot has now reached the level of the worst state of the left foot, I left town excited for this days walk. I left very early, having attended to my feet - tape, silicon pads, cremes… for…
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Categories Camino Francés
Sarria – the last 100km to Santiago
Sarria – the last 100km to Santiago

One of those mornings. One of the roommates in the Albergue decide that 5:30am is the time to turn on the light. And since all 4 ceiling lights were done with separate switches, he turned in the on right above my bed. And I had the top bunk. Yes…. What…
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Categories Camino Francés

The map above will auto-update with my current progress every day.

English German