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Sarria - the last 100km to Santiago - To the end of the world

Sarria – the last 100km to Santiago

English German

One of those mornings. One of the roommates in the Albergue decide that 5:30am is the time to turn on the light. And since all 4 ceiling lights were done with separate switches, he turned in the on right above my bed. And I had the top bunk. Yes…. What a Start into the day. I did not get out till 8am after that, and ran into Rebecca. The 19 year old Irish kid that made me go to mass in O Cebreiro. We went to breakfast, and were joined by Francesco.

Rebecca and I started the day together. And what a walking day it was. Hill after hill, and rain then no rain, and rain again. So poncho on, poncho off, Start sweating under the poncho remove it, and walk in a wet top.

We took a break for a Radler at around 10km into the trip. All in all it was just 19km, but the constant up and down, and a lot of downhill again, really got to my hurting joints. So now both feet are hurting, but there are only 100k left to Santiago, and another 90k to Finisterre. So, the pain won’t stop me now!

The second half I had to myself again, and even though the pain was bad, the wether too, it was an ok walk.

Shortly before we got to town, Gabriel caught up, and gave me the finally energy push to make it to town.

Since I was in soo much pain, I decided on the way, to treat my self to a room. 32€, a sofa, bed and bathroom: heaven!

English German

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