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The Shoes… - To the end of the world

The Shoes…

English German

…seem to be the issue.

Stayed in a nice place last night. Normal dorms with ten+ beds, but in a nice castle like ambient. The pilgrims plates were really good and I met Marcus, the Brit in his 70ties again, who together with Taxi-tom from Canada, got me through that hard day coming into Estella.

I also met up with Shawn again, it turned out it was his birthday so I bought him a couple – too many – beers.

Later we joined a group of younger pilgrims, one of them, Santo from South Africa, had taken a vow of silence, and had me read out loud for the group his little explanation. He then went and got some oil with some other scents. He pile my foot and knee, and after he did the same for Marcus.

Marcus, his group and I went to dinner and when we came back the group was still partying, and that way to hard. So I wished them a Buen Camino, got my cloth from the line and went to bed. They were partying all night, and after the doors had closed they tried to come in and woke the hole albuergue.

So no sleep I started my walk. I decided to try to walk in my crocks, because of the problems I had the last days. It was sooo much better, I was faster, less pain and really enjoyed the walk.

I met Pauline again who said that some one was saying it was me who woke everyone up. Pissed me off a bit which gave me some extra speed. On the other hand Shawn, Jan what ever.

So I got to Atapuerca and found out that the only bar in town only takes cash, but there had not been a machine for the last two days. I thought I would have to go without food when Shawn walked by. So he gave me 50 Euros saying you can pay me back if we meet again, if not not.

The Camino provides.

I told him that we were all a bit annoyed last night and he truly felt really sorry. But I guess if we look at Paulines image of the Camino being like life, yesterday was one of those moments of adolescent careless parties. It is a part of life 🙂

Had some tapas and beer and am now sitting with to Germans waiting for my dear friend Floris from day one, who got into the same town today, and is about to join us.

What a magical and wonderful journey this is.

English German

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