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Waterboy going to Frómista - To the end of the world

Waterboy going to Frómista

English German

After yesterday’s wonderful spiritual moments of meditation and love, I still think I came down with a light cold. It was hard to get up. The two British kids Stan and Jake and I got out of bed at 8am, to make breakfast just in time. So I hit the road around 8:30am.

It was raining like crazy, and so I took of in my poncho and did go with my old shoes again, as it was not really sandal weather. Even though I now have these shock absorber inlays in them, that support the foot a little better, I soon noticed the pain increase again.

The first part of today’s stretch was strait up, which was a good wake up call. I noticed how much fitter I got. I only paused once, though I was still huffin’ and puffin’ up that hill.

Once at the top it went straight down with an 18% descent. The roads were muddy and full of water puddles that made it really hard to walk. That desert dirt just sticks to your soles.

So I left the province of Burgos behind, and got to Palencia. I might have done a short day, but I was still carrying that extra load of the San Bol water I had promised to bring Maggie and her grandfather.

Once I sat down for a brunch and some coffee, I did decide to change shoes again, cause my foot was killing me again. So I continued the rest of the way in the sandals. Needles to say, that changing my socks for some dry ones did not really change anything for longer then 5 min. Wonder what new blisters will Popup tomorrow….

When I got to the last village before my days destination, I found this wonderful statue, that really reflected how I felt at that point.

I walked by the river for a long time, bd this was the first time I actually listend to music. I always had decided to concentrate on the way and myself, and not get lulled in by stuff playing over the headphones.

I finally got to this old water gate and arrived in Frómista. What a painful walk, but once in the Albergue, Maggie came running towards me, gave me a hug and was really happy about the water I had brought for her from San Bol.

English German

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