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Do I need a sleeping bag on the Camino de Santiago?

For the Camino de Santiago you will definitely need a sleeping bag for the hostels. It is not necessary to bring a camping mat and tent. Though given the new situation due to corona, it is a good idea to have an alternative, if all beds in the albergues are taken.

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What are the COVID-19 recommendations?

Updates from the Spanish health authorities: https://www.mscbs.gob.es/ From July 1, 2020, if you fly to Spain from other countries, it is mandatory to fill out the Health Control Form (FCS) associated with your trip to present it at the Health Control of the airport of arrival in Spain. A Infographic with general suggestions:

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How do I book ahead hostels on the way?

A list of open hostels and how to book them. A list of Hostels and their status can be found here:https://www.caminosantiago.org/ It is recommended to book a hostel ahead of time, since the number of beds is limited. You can find and/or book a hostel using the following Apps/Sites: Website:https://alberguesxacobeo.gal/en/ App:During the health crisis, the hostels on the Camino de Santiago can modify their offer of places to adapt to the different regulations, vary their opening date or even remain closed. Up-to-date information on these issues can be found in the “Camino de Santiago” mobile phone application: information of a cultural …

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What are the hygiene rules in the Hostels?

ALBERGUE ADMISSION PROTOCOL1. You Will have to wait in the street for the hospitaleros to indicate that you can enter the premises.2. Body temperature will be taken after a short moment of rest.If a pilgrim has a temperature above 37.5 degrees (External Health Protocol) and/or has symptoms compatible with Covid19, the Health authorities will be called.3. Hands will be cleaned with hydroalcoholic gel (sanitizer) and a carpet with disinfectant will be stepped on.4. The albergue will be accessed with a mask that must be worn at all times.5. Upon arrival, a plastic bag/sack will be given to put backpacks and …

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Do I need to wear a face mask walking the Camino?

A face mask is required:On June 9th the Royal Decree-Law 21/2020 PDF, on urgent prevention, containment and coordination measures to face the health crisis caused by COVID-19, has made the use of masks for people over 6 years of age mandatory. In any situation where it is not possible to maintain an interpersonal safety distance of at least 1.5 meters and in any means of transportation a mask covering the nose and mouth is required. Regulations may vary depending on the local regulations. In some places, a mask needs to even be worn outside on the Camino. A mask should …

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What do I need to pack due to the corona situation?

Packing for the Camino in Corona times:Check out the following video or take a look at my pack list.

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Where do I find information on the “new normal” in Spain?

Information about Spains “new normal”:https://www.lamoncloa.gob.es/

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Where do I register when I get to Spain?

Everyone needs to register upon entry in Galicia:Galicien: https://coronavirus.sergas.gal/viaxeiros/Rexistro.aspx?ling=en

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What are the Emergency numbers?

Emergency Numbers on the Camino: Law informant agencies app Useful phone numbers in France: call 15 for medical advice or emergencies (call 114 for people having physical difficulties to speak or hear) and call 0 800 130 000 for information (24/7, free from a landline in France)

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Where to get the Corona App for Spain?

Download the Spains Corona Warn application “Radar COVID”: