Do I need to wear a face mask walking the Camino?

A face mask is required:On June 9th the Royal Decree-Law 21/2020 PDF, on urgent prevention, containment and coordination measures to face the health crisis caused by COVID-19, has made the use of masks for people over 6 years of age mandatory. In any situation where it is not possible to maintain an interpersonal safety distance of at least 1.5 meters and in any means of transportation a mask covering the nose and mouth is required. Regulations may vary depending on the local regulations. In some places, a mask needs to even be worn outside on the Camino. A mask should …

What do I need to pack due to the corona situation?

Packing for the Camino in Corona times:Check out the following video or take a look at my pack list.

Where do I find information on the “new normal” in Spain?

Information about Spains “new normal”:

Where do I register when I get to Spain?

Everyone needs to register upon entry in Galicia:Galicien:

What are the Emergency numbers?

Emergency Numbers on the Camino: Law informant agencies app Useful phone numbers in France: call 15 for medical advice or emergencies (call 114 for people having physical difficulties to speak or hear) and call 0 800 130 000 for information (24/7, free from a landline in France)